We provide simple but useful tips to guide children how to bounce back from anger emotion, through fun pinwheel DIY and deep breathing exercise (eg. animal, breathing buddies etc)..

利用風車DIY及各種有趣的呼吸法 (動物、肚皮玩偶呼吸法等),加上SEL故事繪本及其他小秘訣,引導小孩學習生氣時,如何運用一些簡單的方法回復平靜或快樂!


課程語言:中文 (Language: Mandarin)

  Anger Management|生氣的情緒管理
Available in days
days after you enroll

Hi, I am Linda, Koala U.'s instructor for Social and Emotional Program ("SEL"). 

大家好! 我是無尾熊烏托邦社會情緒課程的老師Linda!

I love to guide parents and teach young children on SEL because it will not only help our children manage their daily emotions well, but also enable them become world leaders in 21st century! We also hope to make this world better by teaching children love, care, empathy and kindness to each other!  


Koala U. 的理念,也希望能透過SEL課程, 教育幼兒愛、關懷、同理心及良善,讓世界更美好!

Price|課程費用 i(in USD)